Social Media Policy

  • Blog Participation Guidelines
  • Niagara Ultimate Cruises blogs have been developed to participate in conversations relevant to the travel and tourism industry. These participation guidelines apply to those who choose to use Niagara Ultimate Cruises blogs as forums. By using these sites and submitting a comment, you agree to the terms and conditions of these participation guidelines:
  • Niagara Ultimate Cruises reserves the right to not post a comment or respond to a comment.
  • We will review all comments before posting and we will make best efforts to post appropriate comments within a timely manner. We will not post any comments that are classified as spam or contain offensive, hateful and/or defamatory language.
  • Comments should not contain profanity. Please refrain from strong language.
  • Stay on topic. Comments must relate, in some way, to the post on which you are commenting.
  • We will not aggregate comments. All posted comments will display separately and not as one.
  • We will make best efforts to respond to comments. We may post a comment or write a post that responds to a number of comments or questions on a similar subject. If a question is very specific; we may require additional time to investigate and respond.
  • You are free to post a comment on our blog sites, as long as it complies with our participation guidelines. To respect the original intent of comments made on our blogs, we will not translate your comments.
  • Comments pertaining to any ongoing legal matters or regulatory issues specific to Hornblower Co. or Niagara Ultimate Cruises will not be posted.
  • Comments or opinions expressed on blogs come from members of the public and are those of their respective contributors only. The views expressed by outside contributors do not necessarily represent the views of Niagara Ultimate Cruises, its management or employees. Niagara Ultimate Cruises does not endorse or approve of their content. Niagara Ultimate Cruises is not responsible and disclaims any and all liability for the content of comments written by outside contributors to these blogs.
  • Direct any comments or queries relating to specific issues, particularly those beyond the scope of the blog discussions, to our contact us section, rather than being raised within the comments section of a blog post.
  • YouTube Participation Guidelines
  • Niagara Ultimate Cruises uses YouTube, a video sharing service, as a way to share relevant and interesting content with our customers and stakeholders. Our videos include a variety of content but are not limited to: information about Niagara GuUltimate ardian Cruises and our operations, information about the Hornblower Family of Companies and its activities, information or news about our partners, and travel and tourism news.
  • Engaging with Niagara Ultimate Cruises on YouTube
  • Niagara Ultimate Cruises’ decision to subscribe to a specific YouTube channel does not imply endorsement of any kind. We follow channels on YouTube that we believe are relevant to our industry. This could include subscribing to the YouTube accounts of companies and other commercial enterprises (and/or their employees) that comment and/or share videos on industry-related matters. Niagara Ultimate Cruises’ acceptance of a friend request from an account on YouTube does not imply an endorsement of their views.
  • Niagara Ultimate Cruises inclusion of a video that has not been created by Niagara Ultimate Cruises in a playlist does not imply an endorsement of that video.
  • We will read all comments posted on our videos and messages sent to us. If appropriate, we will respond to individual messages and if necessary, direct individuals to more appropriate communication channels, such as Guest Service or Media Relations.
  • By submitting a comment, message or “video response” via one of Niagara Ultimate Cruises’ official YouTube channels, you agree to the terms and conditions of these participation guidelines:
  • Niagara Ultimate Cruises reserves the right to not post a comment or “video response”, nor to respond to a comment or “video response”.
  • We review all comments before posting and we will make best efforts to post appropriate comments in a timely manner. We will not post any comments that are classified as spam or which are believed to contain offensive, inappropriate, hateful and/or defamatory language.
  • Comments should not contain profanity. Please refrain from using strong language.
  • Stay on topic. Comments must relate to the video on which you are commenting.
  • Comments or opinions expressed on a video come from members of the public. The views expressed by outside commenters do not necessarily represent the views of Niagara Ultimate Cruises, its management or employees. Niagara Ultimate Cruises does not endorse or approve their content. Niagara Ultimate Cruises is not responsible and disclaims any and all liability for the content of comments written by outside commenters on our YouTube channels.
  • Any comments or queries relating to specific issues, particularly those beyond the scope of the videos, should be directed to Niagara Ultimate Cruises via email or telephone rather than being raised within the comments section of a posted video.
  • If you feel someone has violated YouTube’s terms of service, report the problem by selecting the “Flag” link. This YouTube feature displays beside every video and comment
  • Legal Notices, Copyright and Privacy
  • Comments, messages or “video responses” pertaining to any ongoing legal matters or regulatory issues specific to Niagara Ultimate Cruises will not be acknowledged.
  • We do not ask individuals for personal or confidential information through social media tools such as YouTube.
  • Language Policy
  • The YouTube interface is available in multiple languages including English and French. To change the interface’s language settings, select either “English” or “French” from the language selection menu located at the bottom of YouTube’s Web site.
  • Niagara Ultimate Cruises Staff Using YouTube
  • Some Niagara Ultimate Cruises employees use YouTube outside of work hours and/or in their personal capacity under their own names or pseudonyms. Despite their professional affiliation with Niagara Ultimate Cruises, posted videos, comments and other YouTube activities of employees in their personal capacity do not represent the official position of Niagara Ultimate Cruises. Such activities should be considered as those of private citizens.
  • Flickr Participation Guidelines
  • Niagara Ultimate Cruises uses Flickr, a photo sharing service, as a way to share relevant and interesting photos with our customers and stakeholders. Niagara Ultimate Cruises may share photos depicting our operations, Niagara Ultimate Cruises events and various other activities related to our industry.
  • Engaging with Niagara Ultimate Cruises on Flickr
  • Niagara Ultimate Cruises’ decision to add a specific Flickr account as a contact does not imply endorsement of any kind. We follow other contacts on Flickr that we believe are relevant to our industry. This could include subscribing to the Flickr stream of companies and other commercial enterprises (and/or their employees) that comment and/or share photos of industry-related matters.
  • Niagara Ultimate Cruises’ inclusion of a photo that has not been created by Niagara Ultimate Cruises in a gallery does not imply an endorsement of that photo.
  • We will read all comments posted on our photos and messages sent to us. If appropriate, we will respond to individual messages and may, direct individuals to more appropriate communication channels, such as Guest Service or Media Relations.
  • By submitting a comment via Niagara Ultimate Cruises’ official Flickr stream, you agree to the terms and conditions of these participation guidelines:
  • All comments will be reviewed in a timely manner. We reserve the right to remove any comments or photos that are classified as spam or which are believed to contain offensive, inappropriate, hateful and/or defamatory language.
  • We reserve the right to remove any inappropriate tags from Niagara Ultimate Cruises photos.
  • Comments should not contain profanity. Please refrain from strong language.
  • Stay on topic. Comments must relate in some way to the video on which you are commenting.
  • Comments or opinions expressed on a photo come from members of the public. The views expressed by outside commenters do not necessarily represent the views of Niagara Ultimate Cruises, its management or employees. Niagara Ultimate Cruises does not endorse or approve their content. Niagara Ultimate Cruises is not responsible and disclaims any and all liability for the content of comments written by outside commenters on our Flickr stream.
  • Direct any comments or queries relating to specific issues, particularly those beyond the scope of photos, to our contact us page rather than being raised within the comments section of a posted photo.
  • Legal Notices, Copyright and Privacy
  • We have licensed our Flickr photos using a Creative Commons license. You may use and reproduce the photos included in this library for non-commercial purposes as long as the photos are:
  • not modified
  • credited to Niagara Ultimate Cruises
  • linked to the Niagara Ultimate Cruises account as per Flickr’s terms of service
  • Comments or messages pertaining to any ongoing legal matters or regulatory issues specific to Niagara Ultimate Cruises will not be acknowledged.
  • We do not ask individuals for personal or confidential information through social media tools such as Flickr.
  • Niagara Ultimate Cruises Staff Using Flickr
  • Some Niagara Ultimate Cruises employees use Flickr outside of work hours and/or in their personal capacity under their own names or pseudonyms. Despite their professional affiliation with Niagara Ultimate Cruises, posted photos, comments and other Flickr activities of employees in their personal capacity do not represent the official position of Niagara Ultimate Cruises. Such activities should be considered as those of private citizens.
  • Facebook Participation Guidelines
  • Niagara Ultimate Cruises' pages, we aim to post relevant, interesting content and welcome your comments and suggestions. Although we encourage conversation and dialogue, we want to ensure a respectful environment for our customers, our employees, our partners and our stakeholders.
  • We encourage you to comment on posts or comments from fans that you find interesting and to provide your insights
  • We will reply to comments when appropriate
  • “Like” articles, photos and videos you enjoy and would like to see more of
  • Fan pages are not intended as a place to receive customer service issues. Please contact us directly for customer service issues.
  • We reserve the right to delete:
  • Comments, links, images or videos that are obscene, profane or hateful in nature
  • Posts that may be offensive to other community members
  • Comments that threaten any person or organization or company
  • Comments that defame or harass an individual
  • Successive off-topic posts by a single fan
  • Repetitive posts copied and pasted or duplicated by single or multiple fans
  • Solicitations or advertisements
  • Comments, links, images or videos that encourage illegal activity
  • Any materials that infringe upon the rights of any third party
  • False comments or claims about Hornblower Co., Niagara Ultimate Cruises. the company’s products or services or any of its competitors
  • Disclaimer — Third-party Content
  • The moderator of these pages will occasionally link to third-party websites to share the most up-to-date information with the community. Following these links will take you to materials or content that was not originated by Niagara Ultimate Cruises. Content that makes up these sites and articles is not the responsibility of Niagara Ultimate Cruises, and does not necessarily represent the opinions, beliefs or endorsement of the company.
  • Niagara Ultimate Cruises does not warrant or make any representations or claims as to the validity, accuracy, currency, timeliness, completeness or otherwise of the third-party commentary or “likes” contained on its fan pages, nor shall it be liable or responsible for any claim or damage, whether direct, indirect, special, consequential or otherwise, arising out of the interpretation, use or reliance upon, authorized or unauthorized, of such information.
  • Customer Service
  • Please note that Facebook is not intended as a place to receive customer service issues. If you have any questions or comments regarding Niagara Ultimate Cruises or its affiliate products, give us a call. We would be happy to help.
  • Phone: 289.962.4575 Toll Free: 1.833.962.4575
  • Monday – Friday, 9am to 5pm EST
  • Twitter Participation Guidelines
  • Niagara Ultimate Cruises uses as a way to participate in conversations about our business and our industry. We may have more than one official Twitter account. Our currently active Twitter handles are:
  • @FallsCruise
  • Our tweets may cover a variety of topics that are of interest to our customers, our retail guests, our stakeholders and other industry groups. These may include but are not limited to: announcements about Niagara Ultimate Cruises and our operations, announcements about the Hornblower Family of Companies and its activities, news about our partners, travel and tourism industry news and information about our group services operations.
  • Engaging with Niagara Ultimate Cruises on Twitter
  • Niagara Ultimate Cruises’ decision to follow a particular Twitter user does not imply endorsement of any kind. We follow accounts on Twitter that we believe are relevant to our industry and our company. This could include following the Twitter accounts of companies and other commercial enterprises (and/or their employees) that comment on industry-related matters. We may also follow Twitter users that are guests of Niagara Ultimate Cruises.
  • Tweets that we retweet do not imply endorsement on our part. We may retweet news and links that we believe are relevant to the work we do in the travel and tourism industry and/or of interest to our followers. We will read all @replies and Direct Messages sent to us. If appropriate, we will respond to individual messages and may, if necessary, direct individuals to more appropriate channels, such as Guest Service or Media Relations. Niagara Ultimate Cruises strives to be a good social media citizen and will report Twitter accounts that appear to be spam or bot-driven accounts.
  • Links to Other Websites
  • We may include links to websites in our tweets in order to share the most up-to-date information with the community. Following these links will take you to materials or content that was not originated by Niagara Ultimate Cruises. Content that makes up these sites and articles is not the responsibility of Niagara Ultimate Cruises, and does not necessarily represent the opinions, beliefs or endorsement of the company. Niagara Ultimate Cruises does not warrant or make any representations or claims as to the validity, accuracy, currency, timeliness, completeness or otherwise of the third-party commentary contained in our Twitter time line, nor shall Niagara Ultimate Cruises be liable or responsible for any claim or damage, whether direct, indirect, special, consequential or otherwise, arising out of the interpretation, use or reliance upon, authorized or unauthorized, of such information.
  • Legal Notices, Copyright and Privacy
  • Tweets and/or @replies pertaining to any ongoing legal matters or regulatory issues specific to Niagara Ultimate Cruises will not be acknowledged.
  • We do not ask individuals for personal or confidential information through social media tools such as Twitter.
  • Niagara Ultimate Cruises Staff Using Twitter
  • Some Niagara Ultimate Cruises employees tweet outside of work hours and/or in their personal capacity under their own names or pseudonyms. Despite their professional affiliation with Niagara Ultimate Cruises, the tweets of employees in their personal capacity do not srepresent the official position of Niagara Ultimate Cruises. Such tweets should be considered as those of private citizens. As such, Niagara Ultimate Cruises shall not be liable or responsible for any of these tweets.
Attraction Location:

Niagara Ultimate Cruises
Niagara Parkway
Niagara Falls, Ontario
Canada L2E 6X8


Contact Form

Niagara Ultimate Cruises - Niagara Falls, Ontario, CANADA